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Adam & Megan

We know firsthand what a blessing adoption is and we want to thank you for taking the time to get to know us a little better. We believe every child is a gift and we look forward to adding another to our family! It was always a dream of ours to be parents, and that dream wouldn't be possible without birth mothers like you.

About Us

Orthopedic Surgeon
Stay-at-Home Mom/Artist, Photographer
Doctor of Medicine
Bachelor of Fine Arts
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

Adoption Is Already a Big Part of Our Lives

We first discussed adoption before we were married. Growing up, Adam had twin cousins who were adopted from Vietnam, and Megan was a nanny for a family with two adopted children she grew very close to. Since we were both touched personally by adoption at some point in our lives, it was always something we considered looking into "some day." We didn't know at the time that we wouldn't be able to become parents without it.

After the door of a biological child closed, we dove head first into the adoption process. We adopted our daughter in 2018 and have experienced the gift of adoption every single day since then. We both dreamed of being parents our entire lives, and adoption made those dreams a reality. Our daughter is the absolute light of our lives and to say we are thankful for her would be a vast understatement. She is a dream come true. Her adoption has not only changed our lives, but the lives of our extended family. She is such a blessing to us all! There truly are not words to describe what adoption means to us.

Adoption, to us, means love. It means selflessness. It means our amazing daughter. It means family.

Our Leisure Time

Caught One!

A few years ago, we obtained a bit of land about thirty minutes away from our house. At the time, it was a big chunk of land with an old farmhouse on it. Since then, we have added a pond, some walking trails, a pavilion to host cookouts, and a fire pit. Our favorite thing to do together as a family when the weather is nice is go out to "the land", as our daughter calls it. There are lots of fish in our pond, so we definitely have friendly competitions to see who can get the biggest catch of the day. More often than not, it's our daughter who gets the biggest one! We love to bring food for picnics, grill, and just enjoy being outside together. It's not uncommon for several of our friends and/or family to meet us out there. We love to sit around the fire pit with some music playing and talk about this and that. Our daughter would say her favorite part of our cookouts is the s'mores after dinner! We look forward to adding more fun activities to the land and creating memories for years to come!

Our Family Traditions

Christmas With Family

If you haven't been able to tell by now, we are very close to our families. We love spending time with them and have developed many traditions over the years. It has been really great to see how these traditions have both continued and expanded since bringing our daughter home. We have also created new traditions with our daughter that we are excited to continue as our family grows.

A few of our big traditions revolve around Christmas - Christmas Eve dinner with Adam's family, and then Christmas Day brunch with Megan's family. On Christmas Eve, after dinner, Adam's mom gives everyone a new pair of pajamas and we all sit down and listen to the Christmas Story. When we come home, our daughter puts her new pajamas on and we get cookies and milk ready for Santa. We always take a picture of her with the cookies and milk on Christmas Eve! It's so sweet to look back at the pictures and see how she changes from year to year. Christmas morning is always so special when we watch our daughter come downstairs to see what Santa brought. There's nothing like seeing the magic of Christmas through your child's eyes! At Christmas Day brunch with Megan's family, we all get together mid-morning and have a laid back meal together. We lounge around and talk about how our mornings went, and then open more presents together.


Go Chiefs!
Go Chiefs!
Beach Vacation
Beach Vacation
Fall Is Our Favorite Time of Year!
Fall Is Our Favorite Time of Year!
We Love Exploring New Places
We Love Exploring New Places
Taking in the Beautiful Sunset
Taking in the Beautiful Sunset
All Smiles at a Wedding
All Smiles at a Wedding
Disney On Ice Was a Hit!
Disney On Ice Was a Hit!
Happy Anniversary to Us!
Happy Anniversary to Us!
Spending Time Out On the Land
Spending Time Out On the Land
We Love Being Together!
We Love Being Together!
Riding the Train at the Zoo
Riding the Train at the Zoo
1 / 12
Go Chiefs!
Go Chiefs!
2 / 12
Beach Vacation
Beach Vacation
3 / 12
Fall Is Our Favorite Time of Year!
Fall Is Our Favorite Time of Year!
4 / 12
We Love Exploring New Places
We Love Exploring New Places
5 / 12
Taking in the Beautiful Sunset
Taking in the Beautiful Sunset
6 / 12
7 / 12
All Smiles at a Wedding
All Smiles at a Wedding
8 / 12
Disney On Ice Was a Hit!
Disney On Ice Was a Hit!
9 / 12
Happy Anniversary to Us!
Happy Anniversary to Us!
10 / 12
Spending Time Out On the Land
Spending Time Out On the Land
11 / 12
We Love Being Together!
We Love Being Together!
12 / 12
Riding the Train at the Zoo
Riding the Train at the Zoo

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We live in a brand new subdivision outside of a major city in Kansas. We picked this area to live in partly because of the amount of new families we saw moving in. There are children everywhere and our daughter always has someone to play with. We also have several parks close by, walking trails, as well as two swimming pools within walking distance that we love to take advantage of when the weather is nice.

Lucy Even Has Her Own Playhouse in the Basement!

Our house has four bedrooms and four bathrooms. We made sure all of the bedrooms were on the same level, so we can be close to our kids rooms. We recently finished our basement and dedicated half of it to kids toys and a play area. Our daughter even has her own play house built in under the stairs!

Our favorite room to spend time in is our kitchen and living room. It is one big open area and we love to entertain friends and family in that space!

Our Extended Families

Celebrating Grandpa's Birthday

We both grew up in close-knit families and are blessed to live within 20 minutes of both sets of our parents. We love to spend time with them and typically see them at least once a week. Ever since we brought our daughter home, Megan's parents have had the tradition of coming over every Friday for pizza night. Megan grew up having frequent Sunday dinners with her grandparents and will always cherish those memories. She is one of two children - she has a married older brother. He and his wife just welcomed twin boys which is so fun! Her extended family is large. She has over 15 first cousins alone!

Making Cookies With Nana

Adam grew up in a small town, but at the age of 15, his family relocated to a major city in Texas. He grew up with several pets including horses, goats, cattle, cats and dogs. Adam comes from a close-knit family as well, and we are excited that his parents now live so close to us. They live in a rural area with many acres to explore. Adam has one younger sister. She and her two little boys are special to us and we cherish the time we have with them. We see them often, as well.

Because we're close with our families, we have an immense amount of support in our adoption journey. They share in our excitement to welcome another child into the family.

From Us to You

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for even considering us to parent your child. We understand what a difficult and immensely important choice this is, and we know you are probably worried and anxious to make this decision. Even though we have never met, we want you to know that we have been praying for you. It has been our prayer that God would bless our birth parents, wherever they are, and comfort them when the choice arises as to who will parent their child.

To even imagine the opportunity to become parents again brings tears to our eyes. Building our family is something we have dreamed about for a long time. When we were dating, we both saw qualities in each other that we knew would make an amazing parent one day. After we were married, we battled infertility for over three years. It was a long, lonely, frustrating, and often painful journey. When our last treatment failed, it became clear to us that God had a very special path He wanted us to walk - adoption. The sadness of our infertility quickly turned to indescribable happiness with the birth of our daughter through adoption in 2018. She is the absolute light of our lives and we are thankful for her birth mother's choice in us every single day.

We will love your baby more than words could possibly express. Not a single day will go by where we won't think about the irreplaceable gift we were given when we were chosen as adoptive parents, and not a single day will go by in which our child won't be reminded of how loved he or she is. Not just by us - but by you as well. We look forward to watching our children grow, celebrating milestones, and seeing them become their own unique person - whoever that may be. We aren't the only ones looking forward adding to our family - our extended families are so excited as well. Your baby will be raised surrounded by more love than we can describe. We look forward to sharing in family traditions, going to Grandma and Grandpa's house for dinner, playing with cousins, celebrating holidays together, and making priceless memories.

Megan is a stay-at-home mom and she and our daughter have so much fun together. She waited a long time to be a mother, and she soaks up every minute of it. She has friends who stay home with their children as well, and we often have play dates at each other's houses or get out and about together. We also live very close to parks, swimming pools, a pond, and many walking trails. We love to go on walks with our daughter, go to the park, read to her before bed time, and just spend as much time with her as we can. When Adam comes home every night, there's always a "DADDYYYY!" scream that comes from our daughter, paired with her running full speed to him. Adam says this is the best part of his day and he loves getting home to play with her, chase her around, and talk about their days.

If you are considering us to parent your child, we would love to get to know you more. We are open to speaking on the phone in order to do so. In the long run, if you feel we are a good fit, we are willing to provide pictures from milestones in their life via mail, email, or whatever means you are most comfortable with. We are also open to the possibility of occasional phone calls and visits. We don't want our child to ever have to wonder who their birth parents are, so we will be sure they know who you are, what their birth story was, and how much you love them. We know that without you, we would not have the opportunity to grow our family. And that is something we can't even begin to thank you for. Thank you for visiting our profile, and thank you for considering us. We hope to talk to you soon.

Adam & Megan


Tom Hanks
John Krasinski
Megan McCarthy
Lucille Ball
C.S. Lewis
Colleen Hoover
Bible, 1776
Where the Crawdads Sing
Candy Bar
Kit Kat
Bugs Bunny
Childhood Memory
Growing up in the country
Playing outside with my parents and brother
Childhood Toy
Little Foot stuffed animal
My bike
Children's Book
The Chronicles of Narnia
Who Sang the First Song?
Dallas, TX
Kansas City, MO
Classic Movie
Star Wars series
The Wizard of Oz
Day of Week
Homemade ice cream
Disney Movie
The Incredibles
Dream Car
Tahoe, F150
Dream Job
Football Coach
Professional Organizer
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Going to our land, being outside together
Going on walks, family movie night with popcorn and candy
Flower / Plant
The plant my Grandma gave me when I was 10
Form of Exercise
Stationary bike, playing sports, going on walks
Walking, hiking, exercise videos
Guess Who?
College Sports, working on our land
Painting, Photography
Holiday Song
Silent Night
Jingle Bell Rock
Holiday Tradition
Christmas brunch with my family
Baking sugar cookies with my Mom and Grandma
Ice Cream
Butter Pecan
Junk Food
Leisure Activity
Watching TV, listening to audiobooks
Catching up on my favorite TV shows
Sports Illustrated
The Pioneer Woman
Memory with a Child
Meeting our daughter for the first time
Bringing our daughter home
Memory with Spouse
Our wedding day
Snorkeling in Maui
You've Got Mail
Movie Munchie
Movie Quote
"My name is Maximus Decimus Meridius, commander of the Armies of the North, General of the Felix Legions, loyal servant to the true emperor, Marcus Aurelius. Father to a murdered son, husband to a murdered wife. And I will have my vengeance"
"There's no place like home."
Movie Type
Romantic Comedy
Hello Dolly
Musical Group
John Mayer
Nursery Rhyme
Hey Diddle Diddle
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Olympic Event
Figure Skating
Personal Hero
A Christmas Story
A Christmas Story
Walt Whitman
Shel Silverstein
Quality about my Spouse
Her lovingness, dedication, and loyalty
His patience
"I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me." Jesus
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
Capital Grille
PF Chang's
The Club Lulu from Jimmy Johns
The Vito from Jimmy Johns
John 3:16
Matthew 6:27
Shopping Store
Bass Pro
She's Like Texas
Goodness of God
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Patrick Mahomes
Sports Team
Oklahoma Sooners
Kansas City Chiefs
Subject in School
Art, English
Thing to Cook
Time of Day
Early afternoon
Christmas brunch
Eating crab legs on New Years Eve
TV Show
TV Show Character
Ross Gellar - Friends
Type of Music
Classic Rock, Country
All kinds
Vacation Spot
Video Game
Mario Brothers
Classic Nintendo games

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