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How Does Domestic Infant Adoption in Florida Work?

Does domestic infant adoption in FL seem like a viable way to build the family you’ve always wanted? If you’re considering it, we want you to know we can help. At American Adoptions, we’ve assisted over 13,000 families with infant adoption in FL, and we’ve helped thousands of birth mothers find a path forward from unplanned pregnancy. 

Just hear what one of our birth mothers, Angelica, has to say about our agency. Contacting American Adoptions was the starting point in her adoption journey, and through her adoption specialist, she received full support during the domestic newborn adoption process.

“You could tell they weren’t just putting on a front to make you want to do it or push you into it,” she says. “They want whatever you want, and that’s what they told me during the whole process. It wasn’t up to them; they were just going to be there for me no matter what decision I made.”

At American Adoptions, we’re dedicated to providing the support and resources expectant birth mothers, prospective adoptive parents and adoptees need through the domestic adoption of infants in Florida. We can help you, too. You can call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our online form to speak with one of our highly-trained, fully licensed specialists.

For the moment, you can continue reading below to learn more details about domestic infant adoption in Florida.

What Kinds of Adoption Are There in Florida?

Before we get into the specifics, you should know there are three types of adoption available in Florida: domestic newborn adoption, foster care adoption, and international adoption. Each offers a unique way of building a family.  It’s worth noting that only newborn adoption lets you welcome an infant into your home and become their permanent parent.

People considering adoption usually start off by deciding which type of adoption makes the most sense for them. Choosing the right type of adoption is a personal decision. Let’s take a closer look at what foster care adoption, international adoption, and U.S. domestic infant adoption in FL could mean for you. 

What is Domestic Infant Adoption in Florida?

The adoption of infants in Florida directly from a birth mother soon after the child is born is known as Private domestic adoption. In private domestic adoption, birth mothers voluntarily choose to place their child in an adoptive home with adoptive parents that they choose from among active adoptive families. Newborn baby adoption in FL is the most common type of adoption nationwide and offers a range of benefits to everyone involved.

If you’re considering this type of adoption, you should know that American Adoptions is a national domestic infant adoption agency. That means you won’t be limited to only expectant mothers in your area. We work with expectant women across the U.S. Working with a local Florida domestic newborn adoption agency may seem appealing, but only American Adoptions can offer the personal touch of a local agency and the robust resources of a national agency.

Infant domestic adoption in FL goes much more smoothly when you partner with a private agency. If you choose open adoption, you’ll definitely want to work with an agency. Open adoption allows free communication between the members of the adoption triad, and having the guidance of a professional in facilitating that contact is recommended.  

It’s true that both local and national agencies handling infant adoptions in FL can assist you, both expectant birth mothers and waiting adoptive families often find there are many advantages to partnering with a national agency. American Adoptions is the leading national private adoption agency because we offer advantages such as:

  • Wait times that average only an average of 12 months 
  • 100% financial protection for active families and transparent, accurate cost estimates
  • Comprehensive adoption services provided in-house by a licensed adoption social workers
  • Bigger budgets for marketing and advertising to reduce your wait time
  • Large, highly accessible staff that’s available 24/7

Though local agencies provide many basic services, one disadvantage is that they work with far fewer birth mothers than national agencies. The result is significantly longer wait times and limited choices for everyone involved. If a local agency already has a long list of waiting families, you may find yourself waiting for your adoption opportunity for years.

Some believe that working with a local agency offers more personal attention and more in-person interaction with expectant birth mothers. That may be true in some cases. But with American Adoptions of Florida, you get so much more. You’ll get confidence, peace of mind, top-notch marketing and the reach and scope of a national agency. That’s why American Adoptions is the choice of many hopeful families for their FL newborn baby adoption needs.

To get started on your adoption journey with American Adoptions, all you have to do is call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our online form today. We’ll do the rest.

What is Foster Care Adoption in Florida?

Children in foster care have been separated from their families for a number of reasons. State agencies are charged with providing temporary care for children in these circumstances. Though reunification with the biological family is always the primary goal, in some cases, reunification doesn’t promote the child’s safety and wellness. That’s when foster care adoption becomes an option.

The age of the adoptee is one of the most obvious differences between foster care adoption and domestic newborn adoption in FL. In foster care adoptions, older children are usually involved. Another key distinction is that children in foster care often have special needs, are part of sibling groups, or have experienced trauma.

For prospective parents who are concerned with adoption expenses, it’s important to know that foster care is far less costly than adoption for newborn babies in Florida. That can make it make it accessible for some hopeful parents, but you should know adopting a child through the foster care system often takes significant time.  

For more information about foster care adoption in Florida, contact one of the following agencies:

What is International Adoption in Florida?

As the name indicates, international adoption is any adoption that involves children from nations other than the U.S. The children may be of any age, and adopting internationally requires adherence to adoption regulations in both the U.S. and the home country of the child.

Though once a popular way to start a family, international adoption has become increasingly rate. The strict and ever-evolving regulations around international adoption have diminished its popularity significantly. That rapid decline in the frequency of international adoptions has further propelled domestic infant adoption in Florida in popularity.

Still, if you feel a connection to other countries and cultures and want to experience international adoption, you may decide it’s the right way to start your family, even though it may bean fulfilling additional requirements and dealing with a degree of uncertainty. 

To pursue an international adoption, you must work with a Hague-accredited international adoption. To find one, you can contact the following agencies:

Why Hopeful Parents Choose American Adoptions for Domestic Infant Adoption in FL

When you partner with American Adoptions of Florida, you’ll know our adoption specialists can offer the best support because they’re highly trained and vastly experienced. They know how to support everyone involved in the FL newborn adoption process.

Our staff consists of compassionate, expert social workers, some of whom are also birth mothers, adoptive parents, and adoptees. For example, Michelle, a birth mother who now serves on the American Adoptions staff, explains what working with American Adoptions means to her and why she is driven to share her story with others in her situation.

“I really look forward to continuing to work with American Adoptions and all of the wonderful staff who are dedicated to making the lives of birth parents, adoptive families, and the child as successful and happy as possible,” says Michelle. “I am available to answer any questions that arise, particularly from birth moms, as I have been in your shoes and know how you are feeling.  It was most helpful to me when I had someone to talk to who would just listen to me without making any judgements or conclusions about who I was as a person.”

If comprehensive support, top-notch resources, and an ethical adoption experience are important to you as a hopeful adoptive parent, then look no further than American Adoptions. With our agency, you’ll get industry-leading service, reduced wait times, full financial protection, a standard of professional ethics, and honest and transparent pricing. We are committed to creating a successful adoption for everyone involved.

But don’t just take our word for it. One of many successful adoptive couples, Justin and Jenna, said their adoption story touched so many people, and through the domestic infant adoption process, they developed a lifelong love for their child’s birth mother.

“You have this relationship with this woman for such a short time before it all happens, but she is going to always be our hero,” she says, “and we will always love her.”

Again, choosing American Adoptions means you get unwavering support from professionals who are empathetic, experienced, and skilled at building successful adoptions. There’s no need to look to other agencies to get the services you need because American Adoptions is fully licensed to provide everything you need to complete newborn adoptions in FL. That even includes the required adoption home study.

Below are some of the FL domestic infant adoption services you’ll get from American Adoptions:

Information and Expert Advice

The compassionate, experienced professionals at American Adoptions are available 24/7 to provide the information you need about the FL domestic newborn adoption process.

Expectant birth mothers get:

Prospective adoptive parents get:

Matching Services

American Adoptions of Florida wants to use our considerable resources to help you identify the best adoption opportunity for your family. We complete hundreds of adoptions across the U.S. every year, and we strive to find the best match for everyone involved in the adoption.  

Expectant birth mothers get:

Prospective adoptive parents get:

Financial Protection and Support

You probably have financial concerns about newborn adoption in FL. Rest assured that American Adoptions offers 100% financial protection to our active adoptive families pursuing domestic infant adoption in Florida.

Expectant birth mothers get:

Prospective adoptive parents get:

  • 100% transparency regarding the cost of adoption with our agency
  • A financial protection program to protect you financially if an adoption disruption occurs
  • Birth mother counseling and screening intended to ensure she’s committed to the FL infant adoption process

Next Steps Towards Starting Your Family Through Domestic Infant Adoption in Florida

Does building the family you’ve been dreaming of through Florida domestic infant adoption sound like a great option? If so, we want to congratulate you. We want you to know that you’re about to take your first steps on an amazing, life-changing journey.  

We also want you to know that we at American Adoptions are here for you. We want to put our resources and empathy to work for you to create the best possible adoption experience. To speak with a specialist today, simply call 1-800-ADOPTION or complete our free online form.

Information available through these links is the sole property of the companies and organizations listed therein. American Adoptions provides this information as a courtesy and is in no way responsible for its content or accuracy.

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